DXP and DX Economy
We often hear about the DX economy and the impact that the latter has had and continues to have on our habits, coming to change more and more our daily lives. In essence, the DX economy is the economy focused on digital transformation, and is based on the potential offered by the development of digital networks and communication infrastructures that allow people, companies and organizations to interact at multiple levels.
But how did the DX economy come about? According to the market research company IDC, the principle is to be found in 2007, when the concept of Third Platform was proposed for the first time, a technological paradigm consisting of an ecosystem of integrated resources and applications that include cloud services, mobile infrastructures, big data / analytics and social media. This is enabled by a business continuity of network technologies that guarantees 24/7 services at the back end and front end level.
In this perspective is the birth of DXP, which, by combining various applications in a single software in a more or less flexible way, has allowed greater cohesion between digital aspects that were completely separate before.
After an initial phase of experimentation, which began in 2007, in which the technologies were not yet strongly integrated and therefore there was no real effective interaction between the data generated by the individual applications, we arrive at 2015, with the birth of what is called DX economy or Multiplied innovation.
This phase is characterized by a strong maturation of technology. Data and information can be shared more easily, generating new value. These are the years in which technologies hitherto only sketched or hypothesized take a definite form, such as 3D printing, home automation, artificial intelligence or augmented reality, and in which there is a strong push forward in the development of robotics and cybersecurity systems.
However, the future is upon us: according to IDC, the third phase should open around the year 2023 and will revolve around the concept of "autonomy". It will be a phase characterized by the acceleration of self-learning, with which machines can learn by themselves from their mistakes, and in which man will increasingly tend to operate as a supervisor rather than as a labor.